Dress 21 – Reflection
So in January 2016 I started the project “without fruit”.
I reflected on my whole life situation and realized that the exhibition in Houston Texas triggered my life crisis. Inwardly I wanted my art, the external financial circumstances dictated a different path. Thus, an energy-sapping dispute arose within me that ended in fatigue, bitterness and frustration.
I took my circumstances into my own hands and faced the processing of my childlessness.
The different parts of the skirt flowed together and one dress was created. The thoughts, feelings and emotions suddenly bubbled up with great force.
Change meant work!
sewing technique
Fabric quilted, pattern straight skirt cut out, sewn
buttons set before sewing together
Dimant quilt pieces cut out and sewn on
56 diamond quilt pieces -
4.5 m cotton skirt and diamond quilt pieces
4 m lining fabric for skirt and diamond quilt pieces
4 m batting for skirt
1 m organza for the sleeves
0,2 m cork for the cuffs
Total 13,7 m -
Black for the skirt
Black and gray for the diamond quilt pieces
Grey for the sleeves
Black and white buttons -
24 buttons shoulder
20 buttons cuffs
783 buttons skirt
Total 827 buttons -
1 zipper
1 Small hoop skirt supports the skirt
Dress 22 – Thoughts
The stream of thoughts, feelings and emotions felt like a roller coaster ride. It was overwhelming and frightening.
I had to channel this explosive flood into tolerable channels. I decided to process backwards by first dealing with the churning thoughts of skirts 20 through 16, like failure, anger, despair and bitterness!
There was a lot to clean up!
sewing technique
Fabric quilted, pattern skirt cut out, sewn
Buttons set before sewing together
Dimant quilt pieces corresponding to skirt 20 to 16, sewn, pieced, quilted
38 diamond quilt pieces -
4 m cotton skirt and diamond quilt pieces
4 m lining fabric for skirt and diamond quilt pieces
4 m batting for skirt and diamond quilt pieces
1 m different fabrics for diamond quilt pieces according to skirt 20 to 16
1 m organza for sleeves
Total 16 m -
Light black for skirt
Different colors for diamond quilt pieces according to skirts 20 to 16
Black, white and brown buttons -
14 buttons shoulder
13 buttons cuffs
703 buttons skirt
8 diamond quilt pieces
24 glued buttons skirt
11 pearls
Total 738 buttons, 24 glued buttons, 11 beads -
1 zipper
1 Small hoop skirt supports the skirt
6 belt buckles (small)
2 suspenders clips
1 QR Code
Dress 23 – Feelings
After processing the thoughts, the feelings of the skirts 15 to 11 followed.
These feelings already sat a little deeper. I realized that at that time I had resumed my old intense life, a kind of escape from the feelings. I was constantly on the go, being the crazy aunt with the outlandish ideas. A role that helped me get over so much.
After each trip, the deep pain and bitter disappointment caught up with me again. I could not put down roots.
Despite many adventures, I was a lonely person!
sewing technique
Fabric quilted, pattern skirt cut out, sewn
Black edge sewn to the outside at the bottom
Buttons set before sewing together
Dimant quilt pieces corresponding to skirt 15 to 11, sewn, pieced, quilted
32 diamond quilt pieces -
4 m cotton synthetic fabric skirt
1 m cotton black border and black diamond quilt pieces
4 m lining fabric for skirt and diamond quilt pieces
4 m batting for skirt and diamond quilt pieces
0,5 m organza for sleeves
Total 13,5 m -
Grey for the skirt
Black for the sewn-on border
Colorful diamond quilt pieces according to skirt 15 to 11
Black, gray, yellow buttons -
227 buttons skirt
10 buttons shoulder
26 buttons black border
17 buttons diamond quilt pieces
10 beads
Total 280 buttons and 10 beads -
1 zipper
1 Small hoop skirt supports the skirt
Felt and wool embellishment for diamond quilt pieces
Dress 24 – Emotions
The confrontation of thoughts and feelings was an intense and stressful experience. Now I stood in front of the skirts 10 to 2. My inner voice ordered me to run.
But I stayed and allowed the deeply hidden emotions.
I dove into the darkest corners of my soul and literally relived the whole time – the enormous monthly disappointments, the endless urge inside me to give birth to a child, feelings ranging from sky-high to devastated, melancholy, inner turmoil, deep pain, all the tears I had never shed, joy and hope.
Much was reflected in daily life. I took a vacation and retreated to my sewing studio for this inner struggle.
An intensive debate!
sewing technique
Fabric quilted, pattern skirt cut out, sewn
Black edge sewn to the outside at the bottom
Buttons set before sewing together
Dimant quilt pieces corresponding to skirt 10 to 2, sewn, pieced, quilted
63 Diamond quilt pieces -
4 m cotton, synthetic fabric skirt
5 m lining fabric for skirt and diamond quilt pieces
5 m batting for skirt and diamond quilt pieces
1 m black cotton for skirt base
0,5 m organza for shoulder decoration
Total 15,5 m -
Light gray for the skirt
Black for the attached edge
Light green, dark green, brown, blue, gray, black for diamond quilt pieces
Red buttons -
3 buttons shoulder
341 buttons skirt
142 buttons diamond quilt pieces
23 buttons black border
14 tassels
5 hooks
Total 506 buttons, 14 tassels and 5 hooks -
1 zipper
1 Small hoop skirt supports the skirt
Dress 25 – letting go
Now I was standing in front of the first skirt, my wedding dress – love, hope, joy.
The moment had come to let go of my heart’s desire to have a child.
All these years I was afraid to face this moment. I realized that I had buried this desire years ago, what remained was the infinite deep pain that held me captive for over 30 years. I lived inside a cage, although I traveled around the world and had many adventures.
Although you never existed, I did not want to lose you, you were and are a part of me.
Now I could let you go!
sewing technique
Fabric quilted, pattern skirt cut out, sewn
Dimant quilt pieces corresponding to skirt 1, sewn, pieced, quilted
24 diamond quilt pieces -
5 m cotton fabric for skirt and diamond quilt pieces
5 m lining fabric
5 m batting for skirt and diamond quilt pieces
Total 15 m -
White for skirt and diamond quilt pieces
Black for bows and beads
Pink for one bead -
47 black beads
1 pink bead
1 big black button
25 loops
Total 48 beads, 1 button, 25 loops -
1 zipper
1 Small hoop skirt supports the skirt
Dress 26 – forgiveness
Now I stood there, everything had got its place.
What remained was a tightly laced corset. It fit under any dress and took my breath away. To break these last chains, there was one more thing!
I had to forgive myself!
Now I was finally free!
sewing technique
Nightgown simple straight pattern
Corset tailored
1 diamond quilt piece -
2 m lining fabric nightgown
2 m coutil for corset
Total 4 m -
white underskirt and corset
black for ribbons of the corset
delicate pink for diamond quilt piece -
1 real pearl -
18 eyelets for the corset
1 front clasp
7 m ribbon cords and frame
18 bendable rods corset
4 fixed rods corset
The professional pictures for the remaining dresses are currently in progress!
Dress 27 – a breath of nothing
I had made peace with myself!
The past had been dealt with, the future didn’t exist yet. There was only the moment and the infinite inner peace.
The enormous feeling of freedom was overwhelming. The first step without luggage felt so fragile and inexperienced.
The skirt was made of fine organza, sheer and light.
It felt like a breath of nothing!
sewing technique
Simple cut for the nightgown
1 diamond quilt piece -
4 m transparent organza
Total 4 m -
white -
1 button -
3 m cotton bias tape
Dress 28 – new paths
The wounds and the deep pain had to heal.
On the one hand, I felt the strong pull of the old familiar life patterns, on the other hand, I felt the breeze of spring, of emergence. I could breathe again. The infinite life energy flowed through my veins again.
I had the strength for my life’s journey again!
sewing technique
Simple cut for the nightgown
14 diamond quilt piece -
2 m Moulure Nature for a test skirt
2m padding
2m lining fabric
1 m organza
Total 7 m -
natural color -
21 buttons -
10 zippers
Dress 29 – first choice
I had to reinvent myself again. Many things no longer fitted.
My attitude to life had changed. I often did things to show others what I was capable of.
Now I did things because I wanted to.
So I realized that my art was a tool for processing. Now I had to let go of patchwork and quilting in this form.
Now art was simply art again!
sewing technique
Simple cut for the nightgown
29 diamond quilt pieces -
3 m various remnants
3 m padding
3 m lining fabric
2 m organza
Total 11 m -
White, light blue, light yellow
Entire color palette for diamond quilt pieces -
105 buttons -
1 zipper
various decorative material
Dress 30 – in full bloom
My journey began with the most beautiful dress of a woman, the wedding dress.
For the final skirt – the crowning glory – I took my own wedding dress out of the wardrobe. I took it apart and sewed it back together. That skirt is me today.
There were moments when I was so lost, so far away from myself. I had to dive deep into my feelings and emotions to find myself again. Now everything has become a part of me.
When you see me, you see my art
when you see my art, then you see me!
sewing technique
A-line dress taken apart
Meander stitch quilted, then sewn together
Lifeline appliquéd from my mother's wedding dress
Beads sewn onto organza and appliquéd
9 diamond quilt pieces -
8 m artificial silk
8 m padding
8 m lining fabric
20 m organza
Total 44 m -
Broken white
Ecru Organza
Color palette for diamond quilt piece -
83 pearls -
10 m ribbon
1 hoop skirt
1 zipper
Statistics “without fruit”
The kept statistics of the consumed material gives another look behind the scenes of the project.
sewing technique
1379 Diamond Quilt Pieces
107 Hexagon -
390 m fabric
105 m batting -
The whole range of colors -
9795 buttons
984 beads
435 loops, tassel, pompon
84 hooks, pins -
54 zippers
4,5 m Velcro fasteners
22 suspenders
11 belt buckles
22 hoop skirts